Welcome to Bluethunder716.com

Running your own WebSite can be highly confusing, but with Hostgator its Easy and its all in one place everything you need to get you on your way.

How do I set up a website?

To set up a decent commercial website (as opposed to a personal home page) you will need:

  1. a domain name, such as www.bluethunder716.com;

  2. WebSpace - a home for your WebSite's files, provided by a hosting company; and

  3. the WebSite itself - a collection of pages and images, linked together to make a complete site.

How do I register a domain name?

There are plenty of companies that let you register a domain name online. First, you'll have to check that the name you want is available - again, you can do this online. Registration is cheap: It is usual to register your domain with the same hosting company that provides your WebSpace

How can I get WebSpace?

WebsSpace is space on a computer owned by a hosting company. It is set up so that anyone who types your domain name into their browser will be connected to your WebSpace.

If you would like to advertise on this page then contact the web master @ info@bluethunder716.com